Monday, August 11, 2008

For the Bible Tells Me So

Don't get too excited; I have NOT "seen the light" or been born again.

No, anybody who knows me or has read this blog before pretty much knows how I feel about organized religion. While I do think it can serve a purpose, all too often Christians use the Bible as justification for their hatred and intolerance. No group has suffered more from this than homosexuals.

Well, now there is a movie out about this very topic : For The Bible Tells Me So. David and I watched it last night and it is GREAT. It is a documentary that follows 5 Christian families struggle to reconcile their strict interpretation of the Bible with the realization that one of their children is gay. It is so well done; they interview many scholars and theologians who make very thoughtful and powerful arguments that the Bible can NOT be interpreted literally regarding homosexuality.

I SO want to purchase this movie and give it to my former mother-in-law, who I know struggles mightily with this topic. Her husband (Eric's step-father) has a son who has recently told them he is gay. They can not accept it and have told him he is going to hell. These are Anna's beloved grandparents; they are otherwise loving and kind and generous with everyone in their lives. I just literally can not wrap my brain around them choosing God (or their interpretation of his words) over their son. I know that if they saw this film and saw that it is possible to be both a Christian and a loving, supportive parent of a gay child, it would improve their relationship with him immensely. Would I be way out of line to share it with them?


Unknown said...

Ohhh, sounds fascinating!

As long as it is not just a rip on their religion and is only an honest view of Christian parents trying to come to terms with their gay children, then I don't think it's out of line. But... if they've already rejected him OR if they say they love him but they are afraid for his soul, I doubt a movie will change that. =\

Jodi said...

I agree with Heather. This is an example of why I choose not to go to church. Besides, it's boring...

kate said...

Oh, no, it’s not bashing Christianity at all. It simply encourages Christians to reconsider their interpretation of what the Bible says about homosexuality and how it applies to today's reality.

These families, every one of them, came to terms with loving their children unconditionally while adhering to their religion. It is a beautiful testament to REAL Christianity, I think.

Jodi said...

Then I'd sure consider giving it to them. Tell them you know they're having a hard time and you love them and thought this might help.

Anonymous said...

I'd say "Stay out of it" You didn't write the bible and have not studied it. "stay in your own movie"...

kate said...

Oooooohhh. Do you guys think "anonymous" is GOD???

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to let you know that anonymous is not me! I will always sign know I always agree with you Kate because you told me I had to! Sheri

kate said...

Sheri: ha! That's right. And don't you forget it! ;)

Jodi said...

I'm pretty sure God would have signed his name. I'm pretty sure this was just an INTRUDER! Boy, Ruth got a kick out of that when you put that on my blog!

Linda said...

Intruder!!! Aaaahhhh!

I say share it with them. You're a Pogue, it's your duty.


kate said...

Jodi, well, luckily we scared your intruder away. We'll see if MY intruder has the gonads to stick around.

Wait a dadgum minute. Have ya'll noticed that MOM is the only one not to put in her two cents worth? Could our mother be "anonymous"??? Very fishy....

Jodi said...

No, mom's not anynomous. I know it wasn't God though. Not only would he have signed his name, he'd have slapped you upside the head to let you know what's up!

Yea, I think you scared the intruder away - I know you scare me!

Dee said...

Gee, I just happened to be off the computer when you girls were having that discussion.
I like Jodi's idea that you could give them the movie with the preface that you know they are having a difficult time and you hope this may help.
That's a tough one for people who are so darned stuck in a few misinterpreted Bible verses, written by spooky old men.
Glad this is you gitls, as I couldn't say this to the general public and not be tarred and feathered, or horse whipped, or stoned or some horrible thing for not being PC.
Anyway, their son was pretty special until the moment he revealed he was gay,-----and how did that change him !
jumping off my soapbox nowwwwwwww
( it was quite high )

Dee said...

spelling correction: girls
there !