Wednesday, July 9, 2008

help me be smart

Does anyone know how to make my header photo (above) match the width of the space it's in?? For as long as I've had this blog (over a year now) I've had "extra" blank space up there. Help me and in honor of our friend up there, I'll send you some goat cheese that I found in the back of the fridge the other day that looks like Elvis in a furry green pantsuit.


Jodi said...

Instead of using that as a reward, I'd be all over puttin' Elvis on Ebay! Are you SURE it doesn't look like Jesus or the Virgin Mary in a fuzzy green pantsuit? (you could get a LOT more money for it)

Anonymous said...

I was about to help you, but I'm not going to now because I don't want your furry cheese.