Anyway, because I wasn't smart enough to resolve the issue I was having with my header photo above, I just changed blog templates and viola, Billy is centered perfectly.
I'm in love with that goat photo and I just may never change it because I am never going to get tired of it. You've been warned. I love the goat, I love the mountains, I love the little chalet in the background. And I reeeaaaaallllly love Picnik for providing me with the means to make it look like an old National Geographic photo from the 1950s. Go try Picnic right now (I used the "1960s" treatment under the create tab on Mr. Goat up there). Here's another one I love:

It's addictive. It's more fun that watching your sister pee her pants from laughing. Well, almost.
Well I don't know, it IS a riot to watch Linda do that...
I love the new layout. It makes my eyes happy.
Billy Goat Ruff looks good centered. Everbody needs to be centered.
Your other pics are cute too.
Oh, shit sis. Look at that picute of Anna and Moby. Look at her eyes. She looks very grown up and, and,... glamorous! You are in deep, DEEP, doo doo when that girl hits 14.
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