Down, Linda. Great pics---plain to see you were having a GOOD time. The wine wasn't even necessary ! Anna is the right age to love it and will always remember it and look forward to going back .
Kate, I hope you are writing down all these Anna stories. (ref: Lala's tale). If it doesn't make a fun book, it will be a treasure for her as an adult.
I am a bleeding-heart liberal, smart-ass, book-loving craft geek. Married to the love of my life, mother of 1 smart, smart-alec 10 year old. I ran my first marathon at 44 and can't wait to run another.
Rod is gorgeous! If Julie should happen to get hit by a... oh, damn, they seem like such nice folks I cant even say it...
Down, Linda.
Great pics---plain to see you were having a GOOD time. The wine wasn't even necessary ! Anna is the right age to love it and will always remember it and look forward to going back .
Kate, I hope you are writing down all these Anna stories. (ref: Lala's tale). If it doesn't make a fun book, it will be a treasure for her as an adult.
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