Wednesday, March 26, 2008

inanimate object abuse

I just told a smoke alarm to blow me softly.

Only I wasn't so polite.

Don't these things understand the concept of "crying wolf"? That damn thing could start beeping in the middle of the night and I'd wake up, think the dog was making toast, and go back to sleep.


Linda said...

OK, there were no little blue words to click on this time, so I think yer loosing your mind, because again you type jibberish.

Are you telling us your smoke alarm needs the battery changed, or what.

The one in the bedroom started beeping during the night 2 nights ago, and I couldn't figure out how to make it stop! So I stuffed it in a box of blankets so that I couldn't hear it. Fixed the problem nicely. Unless of course there's a fire...

Jodi said...

I agree with Linda. I have no idea what you just said...

Anonymous said...

I don't really have anything to add about the smoke detector. What I really want to talk about is - Did you eat a Big Mac?! It's not in your little side profile anymore.

Maybe you were tired of getting attacked by rabid McDonalds fans? I have to know!

kate said...

Oh sorry, I left out one detail: I was making pizza. The thing is, any time you make so much as a pop-tart in the kitchen, the smoke alarm goes off. You don't even have to BURN anything. So anyway, it was just the last straw. It's now sitting in pieces on the counter. That'll show it.

Robyn, I had to re-write my profile the other day because when I created my little off-shoot blog, my profile vanished into the black-hole of blog-land. I just decided to leave the Big Mac part off. So, nope, I haven't succumbed to McD's charms.

Dee said...

Smoke alarms ALWAYS go off in the middle of the night, usually at 2AM. Obviously, it is built into the detector to go off at that time, its in the specifications.
Somehow, even removing the alarm doesn't help and I wind up on a ladder changing batteries and swearing till the air is blue. And going back to sleep? Not for a long time, if at all !