to clobber me over the head with all the annoying cliches I've used on you guys over the years: "Leap and the net will appear!" and of course my favorite, "Everything happens for a reason!" and "When one door closes, another one opens!" Just kidding. I've never said that because if I did, I'd have to repeatedly slam my head in a car door as punishment.
Anyway, my point, and I do have one, is that it's become painfully obvious that I need to find a new job. I have mixed feelings about this because there are many things I love about my job, such as getting to go out to Janie's and helping with her birds, the occasional opportunity to bring home an orphaned tiny fawn and also, hello? Water Potato Day. But...without getting into too much detail, there is a person who has made me completely dread coming to work. He is a volatile, unstable, potentially dangerous time-bomb. Yes, of course I've gone to higher-ups and they did not handle it appropriately
at all. He is on the record as having physically threatened several people prior to my even coming to work here. At least 3 other people have quit as a direct result of his behavior, including, most recently, a brilliant PhD who we were lucky enough to hire. He lasted 6 months under this person. But he (the offender) has power because he is building up the tribe's land coffers, which, of course, gives them more power.'s off into the wild blue yonder I go. I am filled with regret for making such horrible choices during my college years. Art?! Who the fuck majors in art??? David, bless his sweet heart, thinks I should try to make a go of making money off my creativity. But how? What? Maybe Christina and I could do something together; it's been a long-time dream of ours. So maybe now is the time for me to re-evaluate everything.
I know. I'll leap, and hope the net appears. If you hear a sickening thud, please call 9-1-1.