Thursday, November 8, 2007

did I ever tell you about the time....

The "Hooked On Phonics" headline down below got me thinking about a funny experience I had years ago.

When Eric and I were first together, back when we had jobs that allowed us to do so, we'd take off every Spring and go down to the Southwest desert to hike and camp. One year we took a side trip to visit Eric's best friend from college, who was then living in Albuquerque NM. He took us exploring to all his favorite NM spots. It was memorable for so many reasons; there are so many amazing places down there. One of the spots he took us was the Jemez Mountains. We spent the day hiking and afterwards decided to stop in a little town for something to eat. We went into a tavern-type place and enjoyed some dinner and beer. The place was hoppin'....juke-box playing and dancing and singing. There is a huge Native American population in the area, and many of the revelers were Indian. Pretty soon, one guy came over and asked us if we were headed back toward Albuerque, and if so, could we give his friend a ride? He lived at one of the pueblos on the way. We said "sure!". Rick, aside from being an English Professor at UNM, was pretty fluent in Navajo. After awhile, we all packed into Rick's very tiny car. Eric and I were in back with the Indian guy, who was wildly drunk, he was just singing and laughing, hanging out the window. Then, suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in his head, he realized he was in a car with a bunch of people who were fluent in ENGLISH!! He could practice on us! Prior to that moment, we'd not understood a single word he said. Now, he proudly trotted out every single English phrase he knew, obviously every bit of it from television. He'd say "Tastes just like real butter!", "I'd like to give the world a Coke!" and "Who shot JR?" He'd try something out on us, we'd laugh, and he'd just BEAM with pride that we understood him and we were having a succssful conversation. It was so cute. He pointed us off the highway to his pueblo, and got out of the car. As we pulled away into the warm New Mexico night, windows down, he waved wildly and yelled "Thank you! I'M HOOKED ON PHONICS!!"


Dee said...

I think he was hooked on a lot of other things too. But that is a great memory. Navajos are a funny people, very proud. And have so little to be happy about. No wonder they drink.
When Rich and I went to NM to see Gallop and try to find where our Grandfather had his Trading Post, we met a few families. They showed us the religious hut ( can NOT remember the name , starts with an H ) But they told us that Mr. Watts was a ledgend with their tribe. It gave me goosebumps. When we walked around the area where the Post was, it was treated like hallowed ground. Then they sold each of us a piece of junk jewelry for an outrageous price !

kate said...


Mom, I think you need to start a blog. You've got some pretty amazing stories you could tell...and I know we'd love to hear them.

Jodi said...

Get outa here! That's too freakin' funny! How come I never had any great adventures like that? I think I need to go on a road trip. I have tons of sweet memories and stories about my kids and grandkids - but I feel like I've been missing out on some REAL fun! Who's with me for a road trip - with NO kids or husbands!

Linda said...

Count me in!
A pot smokin', nose piercin' road trip to, uh,... Vermont!!!

Dee said...

Yeah, when we left the Reservation, we both felt sooo good, we had helped those poor Indians, just a bit. And then after a number of miles down the road, reality set in and we realized we'd been had ! I could hide my piece of junk jewelry, but Rich also bot a huge ugly painting for an even greater outrageous price,-----no way he can hide that sucker !!!!!!
yup, Hogan, and gee, that's what Steve was called for years, you'd think I'd remember that !

I was thinking when you all talked about a road trip that I would bow out and let you girls go, and really let 'er rip ! But its starting to sound like so much fun I don't think I can let you do that without me.

I now know ---- I have a RAINBOW of girls.

kate said...

Mom, NO WAY are you getting out of any road-trip!!! And we're going to make you watch us get our noses pierced!!

You know who would look adorable with a pierced nose? Hedder. Yep, I think we need to drag her along.

kate said...

Wait. Did mom just imply that she was going to "let" us smoke pot on our road trip???

Jodi said...

Yea, I just talked to her on the phone and she already smokes pot so, no problem...

AND, she really wants to get her nose pierced too - she did her belly button a couple of years ago...

Dee said...

JODI, have you been smoking pot already ?
Heather said she already had her nose pierced twice. And said she would pierce something or somewhere else ! So, she can watch you other girls and giggle !

Oh, good, I get to go with you ! But if you think I'm going to be a passenger when you've all gotten high, you're wrong. I'll drive and you'll be surprised where I take you !

kate said...

I can not believe we are having this conversation WITH OUR MOTHER.

Nose piercing, pot smoking, road trips...when did we all turn into Thelma and Louis???

Dee said...

Because these crazy blogs are like true confessions. We couldn't HAVE these conversations on the phone or in person.

H said...

I would totally get something pierced with you guys but I cannot guarantee I'd leave it in. I have had my belly button, 2nd ear lobe, upper ear, upper/front ear, and more pierced. I guess once upon a time I thought I was a real bad-ass... Alas, they're all gone now. *tear* All I have are my conservative looking ear lobes. *sigh*