Thursday, February 19, 2009


I think I should be awarded some sort of Medal of Honor for staying calm in the face of extreme peril. One night while in Hawaii, I was getting ready for bed. Anna was in the room with me. I had the blankets on our bed thrown back as I gathered my book and got settled when suddenly something flew onto the bed. As soon as it landed, it began scurrying for cover, specifically MY covers:


As freaked out as I was, I knew that if I screamed like a girl and/or mentioned/yelled the word "cockroach", Anna would NEVER sleep in that house again, and we still had several days of vacation left.

So with as much calm as I could muster, I said "Anna, would you please go get me a paper towel?" Meanwhile I scrambled to keep it from burrowing it's way into the blankets bunched at the foot of the bed.

When Anna asked what it was, I told her it was "just a little beetle"....meanwhile I'm pretty sure I now suffer from Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. I managed to capture the beast and ran for the toilet to dispose of it. I'm pretty sure even Buddha himself would kill a cockroach that dared land in his bed, right?


Jodi said...

Well, you know don't you, if there was one, there was 100...

Anonymous said...

Ugh, the number of times I've had to clean up a dead mouse, rat, or squirrel that our cat has brought in calmly and without freaking out so I don't freak my son out has to be approaching the double digits by this time. I love that cat, but damn.

Linda said...

I'd have passed out.

Unknown said...

When my two "angels" were in the 3rd & 4th grade we lived in Hawaii and I definitely got post dramatic stress syndrome. A pregnant lizard ran out from under the toaster and ran under the dryer. I know she was pregnant, because not too long after that there were a few baby lizards. They played on the large black beams in the ceiling, and when the kids would listen to a cowboy show on TV they would be on the beam overhead and chirp until the noise ended. But the real stress came many years later when visiting Maui. When I got up in the morning there was a lizard 'trail' across the top of my pillow! Better there than my face.

kate said...

Oh Bonnie...thank you so much for sharing that story. ;) hee!

Pippa said...

Yuck! That's horrifying - I don't think I would have been able to be so brave.

Dee said...

Jodi is right. There is never one and those buggers and they LOVE hot weather.
When I was in Grand Cayman for a few weeks, they were huge, they were everywhere and loved to come out at night and dance on the walls----I could hear them clicking. When I left there, I shook out all my clothes as I packed and when I got home, unpacked in the driveway, sprayed everything with bug spray, raced to the washer and washed everything in hot water. I was lucky, never found any later but I was terrified !

Fancy Schmancy said...

In Florida they call them "palmetto bugs" and they are like the state bird or something. You can't get rid of them, they are just everywhere. People just make their peace with them.