Monday, November 2, 2009

It sure would be nice to believe in god right about now

Last year my never-smoked-in-her-life, clean-living, yoga-practicing, organic-food eating friend and coworker, C., was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer. Cancer, however, didn't know who he was messing with, and C. kicked his butt. She is strong: a beautiful, tall, Indian warrior-woman in a Super-Girl cape with a smile that knocks you over and a fierce, loving heart. The doctors said they'd never seen such an amazing recovery from stage-4. Life slowly got back to normal, she came back to work and we could breathe again.

And then couple of weeks ago, C. was eating dinner while watching television, and suddenly the TV tilted in one direction and her right arm wasn't working as it should. For fear of being a hypochondriac, she didn't think much of it and didn't mention it to anyone other than her husband for a week or so, until she casually mentioned it to her general practitioner during a routine visit. He suggested setting up an MRI appointment, just to be safe. The appointment still several days away, C. had another "incident" yesterday; she felt, she said, like her brain wasn't communicating with her body as it should, and her right arm began to spasm. Her husband said "That's it. We are not waiting for your appointment," put her in the car and drove her to town.

At the emergency room the doctor performed some tests and based on her delayed responses and disorientation, called for a CAT scan. The results showed swelling in the brain, which, they informed her was "not good" considering her status as a lung-cancer patient. An MRI was performed and it came back showing two tumors. Her lung cancer has spread to her brain.

If you are a believer, the praying type, please send up a message for my friend. She's going to need all the love and support and prayers she can get.


Dee said...

I am so sorry . She has my prayers and I know God will be listening to yours too.
She has had a positive attitude that made a differance in her previous "recovery", it will help her now and I pray that it does.
It also makes a big differance to have the love and support of her friends and relatives. She knows you are there for her.

Laura said...

Hey, Kate. God hears all prayers, even from disbelievers. it's the only thing keeping me from feeling utterly helpless.

tallulah said...

god or no god, your friend is a beautiful person. She has touched your life hasn't she?
Sending good thoughts her way....

Jodi said...

I'm so sorry! Can they do any treatment or do they know yet? I'll let Sue know too. Tell her we are all thinking of her...

Jodi said...

I just talked to Sue, she had some really positive things to say. Her sister's cancer spread to her brain and they did a non-invasive surgery that removed it. She's going to send C an email.

Jodi said...

So Kate, what is the harm in believing in God? There are so many times when it provides a comfort that nothing else can provide. I don't believe probably most of the Bible, but I do believe in a higher power. I've noticed several times over the last several months where you mentioned you wished you believed. Maybe it's not the God that Christians believe in - there are so many different Gods that are prayed to.

I guess I just don't understand the need to either be a firm believer or an athiest. As with all things in our lives, there is a middle ground and the God I believe in is a kind and gentle soul that is a comfort in my life. I don't have to go to church or talk to anyone else about how I feel (except now!).

You don't have to do research to see what God the Mayans, or the Native Americans, or the Buddhists pray to. To me, it's just knowing that there is a higher power and that those we love and lose, watch over us and help protect us.

I don't know, just my thoughts...