My sister hung up clothes lines with "big girl panties" and other hillbilly items.
There was a couple who showed up whom none of us knew; they live in Hidden Springs and had come across an invitation. They showed up in full Hillbilly costume and were almost more enthusiastic about the whole thing than we were! They said it was their weddin' day, and brought a bottle of moonshine and were even kind enough to share their weddin' cake, made of Ding Dongs and Ho Ho's and other white-trash snacks.
That's them in the middle; they brought some of their kin folk too.
My brother-in-law Elmer (not his real name, but it should be) roasted an entire pig.
My brother wore his best top-hat. The thing is, he was NOT in costume. This is how he looks every day of his life, whether he's going to work as a logger or going to a wedding. I love my brother.
My mom, my brother and me.
The best part is that my sister raised a good chunk of money to benefit the Casting for Recovery program for surivors of breast-cancer. Next year's party is already being planned. I can't wait!
Later in the week I'll share photos of THE NEW BABY in the family (who was born the day before Anna and I got to town and ohmygod is she adorable!) and a cool experience Anna and I had during a hike in the Boise foothills.