Wednesday, June 10, 2009

moms gone wild 2009

Each year for the past, oh, I dunno...6 or 7 years, my best girlfriends and I get together somewhere sans children and husbands, and get our freak on. Or, at the very least, we do what WE want to without kids, parters, dogs and lawns requiring anything of us. This past weekend we met up in Leavenworth, Washington, a darling (and adorably kitschy) little town in the Cascade Mountains. We ate, we drank, we shopped, we ate some more, we drank, we went to a Bike & Beer festival with live music at a cool farm nearby.

Lest you think the entire weekend was drunken debauchery (it wasn't! We were good this time...for the most part!), soon I'll post photos from the gorgeous hike we took into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area.

I love these girls.


Dee said...

You girls are sooooooo cute ! And its a shame you didn't have a good time, or laugh at all, or get silly.
I just LOVE that little town !

Fancy Schmancy said...

Wow, looks like you had an awesome time! I'm jealous!

David said...

And I'm so happy you came home without any injuries!

Dee said...

David, she must have kept her shoes on.

kate said...

I did! Hey, it only has to happen 3-4 times before I learn my lesson!